Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome to the Cokeville Principal’s blog.
This week marks the mid-semester point. I am amazed at how fast the year is flying by. I am also very pleased with how the year is going. As we ran the mid-semester grade report, less than 3% of our students grades 7-12 are receiving a failing mark. None of our 7-12 students are receiving more than one failing mark. What a fine accomplishment this is for our students and the teachers who work with them.
I would like to take a moment and address a concern that has been brought to my attention. A short time back, we sent a letter to the homes of next year’s Kindergarten students. I understand that this letter has caused some concern. Please allow me to clear up the intent of this letter. It was our sole intention to provide some helpful suggestions for helping incoming Kindergarten students with the transition into school. The suggestions offered were never meant to be presented as admission criteria. We simply attempted to answer the question that is often asked: What can I do to prepare my child for the start of school? I sincerely apologize for any stress or concern that this letter may have caused. I am convinced that the parents in our community are the best anywhere.
Thank you for your continued interest in our schools.

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