Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope that November has found you healthy and well.
November is a busy month for us in the Cokeville schools. It is a time of transition from our Fall to Winter activities. I am very proud of the way our Volleyball and Football teams represented our school and community. I fully expect that our Winter experience will be just as positive.
I would like to invite everyone to attend our Fall musical this Friday and Saturday. The kids have been working hard and I am sure that the show will be awesome.
I would also like to invite everyone to attend our parent-teacher conferences this Friday. These conferences are a great time to meet with your child's teacher and clarify their academic progress to date. I also will be available throughout the day if you would like to meet with me. Feel free to call and set up a time, or just drop in. I will be happy to meet with you.
Thank you for your interest in our schools.