Tuesday, May 19, 2009

As our school year winds down, I would like to take a moment and let eveyone know about some upcoming events. Mr. Willie's Jr. High music students will be entertaining our community on May 19th and 20th. Please plan on coming and enjoying the talents of our students. It has been exciting to have Mr. Willie as a part of our staff this year. He has done an outstanding job.
May 21-23, our track athletes will be in Casper representing our school at the state track tournament. Coach Teichert and Coach Toomer have once again done a great job of preparing our students for this competition. I am sure that our students will make us very proud.
May 28 is our CHS graduation. It has been a pleasure working with this fine Senior class. They will be missed. I wish them luck in their respective futures.
On May 29th, we will be departing with our Junior and Senior classes for Washington D.C. I am very excited about sharing this opportunity with them.
Also, please be aware that the 29th will be the last day of school. Students will be released from CHS at 10:15 am and from CES at 10:30 am.
Finally, I hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer break. I along with many of our staff members, are scheduled to attend numerous conferences this summer. I look forward to implementing the lessons that we will learn next year. Until then, best regards.

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